Listen to David Brown's August 16, 2016 interview with CultureSync's CEO, Carrie Kish, on the differences between coaching and therapy. The interview goes way beyond semantics to reveal deeper insights and possibilities that can be achieved with MasterCoaches coaching! Click to listen.
Requests & Promises Article
Everything gets done in an organization through a series of requests and promises. These are the linguistic building blocks that are the foundation for all actions and results. If things are not getting done effectively in your organization, your people are likely not being impeccable about their commitments. Our article titled "Promise Management or Time Management?" will give you immediate tools and insights for addressing this common and vexing problem. Click to download.
Daily Engagement Calendar
We're offering you a month’s worth of simple single daily actions you can do each work day to move up a notch on the aliveness & engagement scale. Download our Daily Engagement Calendar.
Our complimentary 12-page eBook "How To Create Great Places To Work" contains useful tips you can apply immediately, plus a free brief self-assessment of your organization! Please click here to learn more about it.
Latest News
Check out our 2-page PDF that describes why we're so passionate about our work with organizational cultures. (Note: some browsers will display this PDF in another tab; others will ask to download it.)
“Before working with MasterCoaches, we were three, creative and talented individuals who collaborated in the service of our customers. After working with MasterCoaches, our level of engagement and alignment doubled. We also tripled the size of our average client and carved out a position of unique strength in the marketplace. The triadic coaching that we experienced from MasterCoaches allowed us to grow, evolve, and achieve results much more quickly than traditional coaching. Triadic coaching has enabled us to get on the fast track!” -- JP Laqueur, Principal & Chief Connector at Brandstone
Quote of the Day
“Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers a solution to all this drama about the debt ceiling: I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.”
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